How to use the potential of thank you page?

Have you ever thought about how to use the entire space of your e-shop as effectively as possible? The answer is probably yes. And did you manage to do it? Looking at the majority of e-shops, the answer is no. If you analyse the Google Analytics report, you’ll immediately notice that almost every user leaves the site after making a purchase. At last, he or she finalised the transaction, so they can leave the virtual cash register. It is enough, however, to introduce one small change to turn the customer back and generate additional sales.

Remember that the new shopping process starts right after the last one! It is, therefore, necessary to create another need as soon as possible. The customer will want to satisfy it right away or will come back for that purpose in a few days… The success is in optimising the thank you page. See how to thank your clients so that they would like to buy more.

Thank you page, what is it?

Thank you page is the page which closes the purchase process. It is displayed to the user after completing the shop’s goal, which is finalising the transaction. Sometimes an additional message is accompanied by an acknowledgement that the order confirmation has been sent to the e-mail address provided.

Thanks are displayed in every e-commerce business. Unfortunately, the huge potential of the thank you page remains unnoticed!

If you use it intelligently, the thank you page can:

  • examine the profile and the needs of your clients;
  • increase sales;
  • build brand awareness.

Show that you care! Ask your customers for recommendations

Remember, the thank you page is the perfect place to reach your loyal customers. Only those who made the purchase found it. Show them that their opinion is important for you! Ask for completing a short survey and you will find out who your client is and what you can do to meet their needs. Here are some tips on how to construct a survey to be effective:

  • Firstly, let the client know how long it will take to respond;
  • Ask a maximum of 5 questions so that the user does not get discouraged in the middle of completing the survey;
  • Use a template that will fit into the interface of your website;
  • Ask questions that will help you improve your activities. At the same time, try to use closed-ended questions that do not require providing descriptive answers,

e.g. What else can we do to facilitate your purchase process?

  1. introduce payment via PayU
  2. enable personal collection of the order
  3. inform you about new products in the shop via e-mail

Inspire for additional purchases and increase sales

The thank you page has a huge sales potential. Only customers who decided to buy – the most determined ones – reach it. Remember that the key to generating more profit is no longer attracting a new customer – in the end, advertising campaigns cost a lot. The best and, at the same time, free advertising space is your own shop. And the additional profit is generated by the customer who is already on your site: by purchasing more products. Convince the user who made the first purchase to return for the next item! The thank you page is a perfect place to introduce personalised recommendations. Intelligent algorithms register the purchase of a laptop and on the thank you page recommends products that are complementary to it, slightly increasing the value of the order. The client is aware of the need, the recommendations evoke an additional shopping impulse and the next product goes to the basket. At this point, it is worth showing the promotional offer of the shop. The customer is more likely to be tempted to buy a discounted product.

Increase brand awareness

You do not want your customers to forget about you right after the purchase, don’t you? Your goal should be to involve them through other shop channels that will remind them of you. As soon as thank you on the thank you page, please ask the users to start follow your social media profiles. Facebook or Instagram icons work well – it is the visual message that has an influence on the recipient. You can also encourage sharing your site and suggest subscribing to the newsletter. The last option will surely convince them if you offer a discount for the next purchases. Optimise the thank you page and observe the conversion rate!